Crypto Payment

Meet consumer demand and unlock a $1 trillion market.

What are crypto payments?

Enabling crypto payments allows your customers to pay for goods and services with crypto. Just as easy as a credit card with a lower cost to your business. Businesses can choose to be settled in fiat or crypto, stable coins included, with no volatility risk. An innovative solution that mitigates high payment processing costs and FX rates.

What are crypto payments?

Enabling crypto payments allows your customers to pay for goods and services with crypto. Just as easy as a credit card with a lower cost to your business. Businesses can choose to be settled in fiat or crypto, stable coins included, with no volatility risk. An innovative solution that mitigates high payment processing costs and FX rates.

How does it work?

How does it work?

What do you get?

Use case

Hospitality & Tourism


Julia’s family-run Bed & Breakfast partners with John’s local Kenyan tour agency to offer discounted accommodation and tour packages to their mainly US and UK origin customers. Partnering with OnRamp enables Julia to offer crypto as a payment option to her customers. OnRamp processes the payments and then settles them with Julia (fiat into her bank account) and John (crypto into his wallet).

  • High international card processing fees
  • High chargeback rates
  • FX costs
  • Tapping into a new customer pool of crypto holders to purchase goods and services without needing to cash out
  • Reduce operating expenses and chargebacks
  • Increase revenue
OnRamp Solutions
  • Allowing Julia’s website to accept crypto payment with easy API integration
  • Flexible settlements in either fiat or crypto

Crypto Crowdfunding Platform


A crowdfunding platform would like to allow crypto owners to invest directly in various start-ups that are listed on its platform with crypto. Via an easy integration with OnRamp’s API, the platform opens the door for broader opportunities and an alternative investment method.

  • Cryptocurrency’s volatility 
  • Fund settlement management of various projects’ bank rails
  • Applicable regulatory requirements
  • Enable crypto holders to diversify their investment portfolio without needing to cash out 
  • Options for listed start-ups to receive both fiat and/or crypto 
OnRamp Solutions
  • Allowing the crowdfunding platform to accept crypto investments
  • Fiat value locked – as per investors’ intended fiat value regardless of crypto’s fluctuations 
  • Automate all funds transfer accordingly to individual project

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